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Analytics and Pixel Tracking

If you are planning to market your course page, it's better to have so insights and a way to market it.

For that you have a few options:

You can use Google Analytics - for analytics.

And you can add a social media pixel to retarget visitors (with ads)

Google Analytics / Google ads pixel

Head over to your Google Analytics and copy your TAG id.

Simply open your .env file and add


We do have a support for an additional Google Ads pixel.

If you want to add a Google Ads pixel, head over to the tag manager and direct the website analytics to google ads.

Facebook Analytics

Create a new pixel over facebook, go over to the .env file and add


LinkedIn Analytics

Create a new pixel over LinkedIn, go over to the .env file and add


Twitter Analytics

Twitter pixel is a bit different, as you would need to create the name of the event on the Twitter dashboard.

Head over to Twitter and make sure you create 3 pixels

  • Pixel for page views

  • Pixel for the initiateCheckout

  • Pixel for the purchase

Once completed add them to the .env file


Pixels are pretty much dead

Please be advised that since IOS 4 pixels are not always working.

Some are being blocked by IOS 4 and some by ADBlocker.

If you want to use it with 100% success, you must use the Conversion Pixel over the backend.

That will require a lot of work of getting the platform token, authenticate over the backend and send the user information there.

This project doesn't support it yet, so help me out by creating a new pull request for it :)